Everything you need to know about planning your Cathedral Ledge Wedding in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
Are you looking to plan your elopement day in the mountains but not looking forward to hiking to get those beautiful mountain top views? Cathedral Ledge could be the perfect location to plan your day! Here you'll learn everything you need to know to plan your Cathedral Ledge Wedding in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
Here are all the steps you need to know to plan your Cathedral Ledge Wedding or Elopement
1. You need a permit to get married here
Cathedral Ledge is located at one of the many beautiful state parks in the White Mountains National Forest. This state park in particular obviously allows weddings to take place here but you do need to obtain a permit. The permit fee is $100. They offer two permit spots per day, one for the morning, and one for the evening. Because there are only 2 time slots available each day, the weekends tend to fill up fast. Planning for a weekday is your best bet with this location. Here is more info on how to get the permit if you want to plan your day here: Permit Info Here!
2. There is a gated auto road that is closed off season (winter)
That's right you can drive right up to the top of this iconic spot! The gate closure is very important to look into before planning your day here. Generally the gate is open from spring to fall. If you're planning for early spring or late fall, this is something you want to double check! The gate is closed for the winter.
It's also good to note that during COVID this gate was kept closed, so it's important to have backup location just in case. - But if you're booking with me, you already know this and I know a few stunning locations in the area! I got you!!! Book Me Here!
Here is more info on the status of the auto road gate: Link Here!
Another thing to note is that during the seasons when the gate is open, it is open all day long. This means you can go up and stargaze, explore during blue hour after the sun has set, or plan an early morning to watch the sunrise. - These area all an added bonus of having more seclusion in a typically busy spot.
3. This is the perfect easily accessible location with mountain views
If you're looking for mountain views without the hiking for your day, Cathedral Ledge is a wonderful option. It should be noted that even though there is no hiking involved, there is a short walk through the woods to get to this spot. It's very easy, but I do always recommend still wearing hiking boots, sneakers, or flat shoes here. There is rock roots that you will have to walk over. Although it is part of a state park, it's good to know there is not bathroom up here. There is a bathroom down at Echo lake beach, but not up at the top of the ledge. (These bathrooms close when the beach closes.)
4. Cathedral Ledge is a popular and busy location
Because its ease of access, this beautiful spot can get tons of traffic. Even with a permit, the location is still open to the public. Generally everyone is very nice and will move out of the way for you ceremony, but you may have some people that watch or congratulate you and may want to snap a picture of the beauty. It is important to still respect everyone else's visit to this stunning spot. Along with of course respecting the nature of the state park by leaving no trace.
Planning for weekdays, and planning for sunrise are two of my favorite ways to help give you a little more seclusion.

The pros of planning a Cathedral Ledge Wedding
Okay, now that you know all the important and practical things you need to know to plan your Cathedral Ledge Elopement, here are just a few added bonuses.
If you're planning to have any guests attend that are not able to hike or need an easily accessible location to celebrate, this is a great option.
This iconic spot is located in the North Conway area of the White Mountains, there are plenty of cozy places to stay, sites to see, activities to do, and yummy restaurants to eat at. See below for some recommendations in the area.
During the warmer months when the gate is open, you can plan to be up on the ledge at any time of day. This is great way to avoid crowds and have a more secluded feel for your day.
There are a couple of different beautiful view points up on the ledges and it is very close to Echo Beach. (Echo beach is another beautiful location to explore or have a picnic.)
Cathedral Ledge is dog friendly! - This is huge, always bring the pups!
It tends to be one of the last areas of the White Mountains to hit peak foliage in the fall, so if you want to plan for a little off season but still get great colors this is a great option.

Recommendations for planning your Cathedral Ledge Elopement
Where to stay in the North Conway Area:
What to do in the North Conway area:
Hiking - (Check out Dianas bath and the trail around echo beach)
Visit Cranmore Mountain - They have tons to do here from bike rentals, to a scenic chairlift up the mountain and so much more.
Where to eat in the North Conway area:
Red Fox Bar & Grille - They even have a small event room if you wanted to host a dinner here
There are seriously so many more place, that is just a few to help get you started.
I hope this has you excited to start planning your elopement day in North Conway! I have tons more recommendations along with other amazing vendors in the area if you book with me!
Looking to plan your Cathedral Ledge Elopement!? Hey, I'm a local New Hampshire Elopement photographer ready to help you on your journey! Reach out here - Let's chat!